Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

What Questions You Must Ask In A Laser Hair Reduction Clinic

The cosmetic industry has made various advancements thus providing solutions for every type of skin or hair problem. Having unwanted body hair is a very critical issue and is quite prominent in present times. This has led to the increasing demand of Intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal or laser hair removal treatments. Though, this burgeoned demand is not surprising as the traditional methods like hair removal through electrolysis and waxing is quite painful and expensive procedure.

The laser based hair reduction treatments leads to the permanent removal of unwanted body and facial hair. Though, this may take a number of treatments but the whole procedure is very comfortable as compared to the traditional ones.

If you are thinking of giving a visit to a laser clinic, you must consult the professionals and ask certain questions like:

Am I a suitable person for undergoing laser hair reduction treatment?

Sometimes, it happens that the person's skin is not suitable for this treatment or he/she may suffer from some allergies. In such cases, it is essential that you have undergone complete skin examination for any type of skin reaction.

How many lasers are there in their premises which are owned by them?

The more the number of lasers with a laser clinic, there are better chances of them using safe, effective and modern technique suiting your hair and skin color type. Make sure that they personally own the machines as rented ones are not much suitable.

What type of lasers are used by your clinic and what will be the best suitable for my skin?

There are different kinds of lasers which can be used in this laser treatment. Doctors at any medical clinic must be able to articulate which type of laser is best suitable for a particular type of skin. Different kinds of lasers used here are alexandrite lasers, diode lasers, ND: YAG lasers and many others. Intense pulsed light machines are also effective in removing hair but it is only effective on light skin.

How many laser hair removal treatments they have performed?

Although, there is no certification for a clinic for this treatment, but you can get an idea about the efficiency through the number of treatments they have performed in their clinics.

How many sessions will I have to sit?

Normally, every individual has to give four to six sittings in one treatment. This is because, laser treatment works only during the growth phase of hair.

Sometimes, it has also been observed that some people show results just after one or two treatments and thus doctors believe in offering you package deals for the laser treatment.

Can a tanned skin be treated?

This is important to ask because it has been observed that after hair reduction, your tanned skin becomes highly visible. So make sure that your tan skin is easily treated with this kind of treatment.

Searching for the Right Core Workout Online

Sifting through all the information on core strength training to find the right workout online can be exhausting. And once you find what seems to be a good workout, how do you know it includes the proper stability, ball, and lower back exercises that work for your goals? Since core movements incorporate the proper use of all the muscles of the trunk, not only using your abs but also activating all the muscles that stabilize the spine, hips, and pelvis, they are generally effective for all fitness goals. But, clarifying which exercises are focused on what goals will help you when searching for the right core workout online.

Core Stability Exercises

Core stability exercises are movements that challenge you to engage your core and stabilize the spine by using the core musculature to hold the neutral position (neutral spine). These exercises are often isometric, meaning you hold yourself in one position for a given period of time, but can also include concentric and eccentric movements. If your goal is to improve balance and overall athletic performance, core stability exercises will be an important part of your fitness program because they teach you how to hold your hips, pelvis, and spine in the neutral position and engage the abs to improve balance during single leg movements.

Examples of Core Stability Exercises:

Crunches using a stability ball
Isometric squat using dynadiscs or a bosu ball
Back Strengthening Exercises

Core strength training is also a recommendation for those focused on strengthening the back, specifically the lower back. In fact, lower back strength is often a natural by-product of the right core strength training routine. If exercises are performed safely and properly, they will cause your abs to stabilize the spine and alleviate undue stress on the lower back. This in turn will allow you to strengthen glutes and hamstrings which will also alleviate pressure from the lower back.

Examples of Back Strengthening Exercises:

Hip Lift (also known as supine bridge)
If you've been doing online searches for a core strength training workout, you probably already know it's an effective component for almost any type of fitness goal, offering variety, and progressively challenging movements and fun. The examples and explanations I've used here are just a basic introduction to what you might find when searching for a core strength training workout online. Incorporate these exercises and more into your specific goals and you'll notice a huge improvement! Good Luck!

Jes Reynolds is a NSCA - cpt who trains individuals both one on one and online. She is passionate about helping people reach thier highest abilities in the realm of health, fitness, and nutrition. Since the web has so much fitness information, this includes helping people find the workout online and figuring out how it can be used to reach their personal fitness goals.

3 Important Steps for Keeping Your Child Safe From Abuse

This is an ever-changing world and there are many things in it that we would like to protect our children from. The last thing any parent wants to see is their child violated, hurt or in pain.

As parents, we do our best to provide our children with safety equipment, expose them to lessons that will give them the tools to protect themselves and be there for them when they need us. Unfortunately, we cannot be with our children 24-7, especially as they grow and venture into the world towards independence.

Despite our role as protector, we can only control so much of what will happen to our children BUT we can equip them with the most powerful weapon of all - knowledge and information.

A parent's worst nightmares are many and having your child fall victim to sexual abuse is maybe one of the worst among them. Is it possible to make a child abuse-proof and resistant to the enticements of a perpetrator?

In addition to all the quick and easy stranger danger tips and the important information found in books and on websites - the message that their body belongs to them, encouraging them never to keep secrets, telling them to say NO - what more can a parent do?

There is a lot a parent can do in order to protect their children from this heinous crime even if a child is on the Autism spectrum and they can begin at a very early age. True protection goes beyond telling your socially challenged child not to talk to strangers - true protection lies in creating a child that is internally resistant, a child whose inner strength will make them less vulnerable to the crafty approaches of a child molester.

The following suggestions may seem simple because we automatically do them as parents but we often don't realize how powerful they are in keeping our children safe:

1 - Strive to enhance your child's assertiveness skills: Learning how to be appropriately assertive rather than aggressive or passive is one of the best gifts we can give our children. Individuals who seek out children for their own distorted purposes are counting on them to be passive and will not spend time grooming a child who is likely to speak up for herself. We can begin this process at the early age of two or before when our little cherubs take their first step towards assertion by discovering the word "no". This simple word contains much power and could be the one thing that keeps them safe.

Simply encouraging your child to look at the color of a person's eyes when talking to them will make them appear confident and self-assured. This may be a difficult task for most kids with Autism but it is doable if practiced persistently. The trick is to teach your child the right balance between assertiveness and aggression and still remain respectful. This is why good social skill training is important.

2 - Help your child acquire a capable sense of self. Children who appear capable are less likely to be targeted by individuals who prey upon children. These individuals are searching for those who are vulnerable, those who seem helpless. Helping your child become independent is your job and the sooner you nurture appropriate independence the better.

As you teach your children to do things for themselves rather than do it for them, their confidence grows. Don't ever hesitate to help your child learn and master a new task if you think they are ready because the feeling of "I can do it myself" is powerful and will serve as one more layer of protection from the hands of a perpetrator.

3 - Make sure your child knows what a healthy relationship is: Your child must have an accurate sense of what constitutes a healthy relationship in order to have proper instinctual knowledge - a gut feeling - of what is normal. Perpetrators spend a lot of their time trying to convince their intended victim that "this is what people do when they care about each another". Their success lies in their attempts to normalize the invasive behaviors they use to set up their potential victims.

Be very specific and make sure your child knows that a healthy relationship does NOT require keeping secrets, uncomfortable touches and insidious remarks. This will ensure that these messages fall on deaf ears. They will know that "normal" does not mean constant enticement with gifts, atypical attention, special favors or uninvited physical contact.

Your job must go beyond role modeling healthy relationships to talking about it with your children, honestly, specifically and often, until they fly from your nest. When your children are grounded in what a healthy relationship looks like, sounds like and feels like, you are not only providing them with strong armor that will shield them from possible harm but important knowledge that will reap many positive benefits in all aspects of their life for years to come.

Asthma Is Growing Stronger, But Not As Quick As We Are

Asthma is nothing to play with and it grows more and more serious with each generation to inherit the illness. Every time the gene passes down the line, the mutation encounters more and more resistance and evolution; causing it to either grow stronger or die away. However, no matter how complex or powerful it can become; there are always some pretty simple things to avoid if you want to live a healthier lifestyle.

Smoke; obviously something that should be avoided when in your own hand, but twice as deadly when it is the other person smoking. Add asthma on top of that and you have perhaps one of the deadliest combinations you can expect to encounter after a diagnosis. There is nothing worse on the lungs than a thick cloud of smoke, tar, and acids that absolutely don't belong anywhere near a human being; much less inside of our bodies.

Bonfires, while fun and refreshing, are another source of smoke that should be avoided if you wish to remain free of asthma attacks and various other, serious symptoms. You obviously don't have to avoid every fire that you pass by, but don't spend each weekend with the bros, standing at the fire and filling your lungs with an allergen, just waiting to set off your delicate lungs. There are various degrees of seriousness, but none of them are so low on the totem pole that you should welcome them in.

Incense, in the same family as other types of smoke, but this one smells a little better, yet is perhaps a little more deadlier than the previously mentioned (cigarettes aside). The reason they are deadlier is due to the chemicals required to add that smell and natural aroma to the incense, which varies via different manufacturers. Some companies will only supply a healthier, natural solution, but regardless; it's still not "good" for the lungs and when you have a sensitive illness, such as asthma, it gets even worse.

Now, the house should remain clean, but the use of certain chemicals will only irritate the lungs and nasal passages; causing a breakout or an attack to strike when least expected. On top of this, they can effect the lungs in a fashion that could lead to death or serious illnesses via their interaction with the diseases and different tissues of the body; something that could likely happen to someone without asthma as well.

Asthma is serious, that is fairly obviously and there is never going to be any doubt that the utmost care should be taken to prevent any more damage than necessary. However, with new medical advances coming each and every day, we can grow easier in learning that the illness may soon be behind us and behind the fears of our children or theirs to come. In the mean time, avoid some of these common problems mentioned in the tips above and you will notice that life with asthma might not be quite as difficult as it was once believed to be.

Pain in Joints - Where Every Joint Hurts to Move

Having pain in your joints now and then is common but when you wake up one morning and every joint hurts, where your toes may twinge and your knees and arms are constantly hit by sharp jolts, you have grounds to be concerned.

Arthritis however may not be the problem here, a viral, kidney infection or tendonitis could be the cause, in which case anti-inflammatory drugs maybe prescribed for the very short term until the symptoms subside and you recover.

If however some form of arthritis has not been detected, then it's obviously crucial that your doctor advises you to see a rheumatologist.

Also, be sure to keep a diary of the pain you're experiencing so in case blood tests don't reveal the cause as is often the case when trying to detect this disease, you have some detailed notes which will help your doctor pinpoint what illness you have.

Here's an example of how almost every joint in your body may hurt:

From head down:

No pain above neck level, no fever, no headache, no sickness.
Pain across shoulders when you try to raise an arm or turn your head.
When you clench a fist there's a pain in the elbow joint.
Rotating wrists causes pain.
Straightening or bending the joint will cause additional elbow agony.
A strong ache in the lower back when you sit or stand up.
Standing causes discomfort in the knees.
The hip may be tender to touch.
Curling your toes causes pain along with trying to point your feet up in the air.
Rotating the ankle can be excruciating.
When sat down if you try and cross your legs the knee's may crack and also feel hot and inflamed and tender to touch around the knee joint and surrounding muscle.
If you are experiencing something close to or all of these symptoms across your whole body, then you will most definitely get referred to a rheumatologist - a rheumy.

To help speed up the diagnosis, along with keeping tabs on the joint pains you are experiencing and at what particular time, keep a list also of the foods you've been consuming as gluten foods for example can really inflame joints where as fresh fish and certain vegetables can help reduce the swelling and pain.

How to Execute a Great Pilates Side Plank Exercise


The Pilates Side Plank Exercise is fabulous to help improve balance to support the body, strengthen the shoulders, and enhance lateral torso control.

Fine-tuning your mind and body during exercise is essential to improve health. Paying attention to your technique to properly execute the exercise is key to get optimal benefits. The side bend helps improve shoulder strength, but it can also cause shoulder pain or injury if done improperly. Functional shoulder mechanics during the transition to lift up into the Side Plank and to lower the body back down to the mat to avoid unnecessary injuries is as important as the actual exercise.

The Side Plank exercise is one of the original Pilates Matwork exercises that Joseph Pilates describes in his book Return to Life. In Return to Life, the exercise is also known as The Side Bend.


Starting Position: 

Start seated on the right hip with the knees slightly bent. Preferably the legs are stacked on top of each other, but to assist with balance, take the feet hip width apart. If the top leg is forward, it will help keep the hips stacked.
Weight is on the right arm with the fingers pointing out away from the body
Be sure the elbow is bent, and the shoulder is pulling down away from the ear, supporting underneath the arm.
Left arm is resting along the left side of the body.
Eyes look straight ahead.
The Side Plank Exercise: 

Inhale and pull down under the shoulder to begin lifting the ribcage, hips, and thighs up off the mat to support on the hand and side of the right foot.
The non-supporting arm can assist by reaching up to the ceiling to create a T-shape. Having both arms reach away from center helps to spread the shoulder blades and activate the serratus and lat muscles to support the lifted body position.
Along with the outer hip muscles, core, and, upper body strength, the Pelvic Floor is important to help torso stability.
Hold and breathe.
To lower the body down, BEND THE ELBOW and PULL THE SHOULDER DOWN first, then begin lowering the hip to the mat. If the arm stays straight and the shoulder goes up while the hip goes down, you are creating the potential for a serious shoulder injury!

Following Joseph Pilates' Return to Life, the Side Bend exercise traditionally is exercise number 28 of the 34 exercises being introduced. This means the body should be well warmed up before doing the Side Plank exercise. Doing some ab work, arm and shoulder exercises, and hip & leg work, is fundamental before doing the Side Plank exercise.

Also, there can be quite a lot of stress on your hands, wrists, and shoulders when you're balancing on one arm. By doing push-ups first, or a few regular front planks, together with other exercises to warm up the whole body, you are ensured that you and your body are already prepared to take the challenge of performing a great and effective Side Bend.

